Sunday, April 11, 2010


How are we trained to act and what are we trained to like?

From a young age boys and girls are given certain toys and taught to act certain ways. Boys shouldn't cry but girls can cry all they want. Boys can be openly sexual and promiscuous but girls have to remain celibate till marriage. Boys plays with Tonka trucks and girls are given dolls to dress up and make "pretty".

Why do young woman have a dream wedding? Because when she was a young girl she was told to want it. Why do man drink beer and watch sports? Because when they were young boys all of their role models did it. I remember when I was young my Father would be gone on Super Bowl Sunday but I sat in the basement watching the game with chips and popcorn, why? Because I was "supposed to".

This happens a lot in families that feel strongly on either side of the aisle (Right or Left). Strong Conservatives and Strong Liberals train their children to feel the way they do and carry on that tradition. A lot of parents, especially the liberal ones, will claim to allow their children to make up their own minds. While this may be true in some aspects but in the end there's some things you just can't help but pass on. Obese parents don't mean to train their children to over eat but they naturally copy their parent's behavior.

Another example of this accidental behavior inheritance is the use of alcohol and smoking tobacco. Children that grow up in homes with one or both parents that smoke and or drink tend to mimic that behavior later. For example I grew up in a home where no one smoked and my father only rarely drank a beer. Now I'm an adult and I don't drink or smoke at all.

Parents should be aware of the old saying "monkey see monkey do". Your child will mimic your behavior, the good ones snd the bad ones. You can lecture them all you want and say "Do as I say not as I do". But now you've just trained your kid to be a hypocrite... way to go dumb ass.

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